Phonetic Reading of the Character '酒'

Animated Stroke Order of 酒:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 酒 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '酒'

Radical:酉     Strokes:10

Pinyin & Definition:

jiǔwine (esp. rice wine)/liquor/spirits/alcoholic beverage/CL:杯[bei1],瓶[ping2],罐[guan4],桶[tong3],缸[gang1]

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 酒:
wine (esp. rice wine)
酒不醉人人自醉,色不迷人人自迷wine doesn't make men drunk: men get themselves intoxicated. Lust does not overpower men: men surrender themselves to lust
酒令wine-drinking game
酒令儿erhua variant of 酒令, wine-drinking game
酒会drinking party
wine reception
酒兴interest in wine
passion for drinking
酒具wine vessel
wine cup
酒剂[Medicine] vinum
酒力capacity for alcohol
ability to hold drink
酒劲State of being intoxicated.
酒单wine list (in a restaurant etc)
酒厂wine factory
酒友pot companion; potcompanion; drinking buddy; drinking pal
酒后after drinking
under the influence of alcohol
酒后吐真言after wine, spit out the truth
in vino veritas
酒后失态to act ludicrously when drunk
酒后失礼After drinking one is wanting politeness.
酒后失言to say something wrong when drunk