Phonetic Reading of the Character '遍'

Animated Stroke Order of 遍:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 遍 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '遍'

Radical:辶     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

biàna time/everywhere/turn/all over/one time

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 遍:
all over
classifier for actions: one time
遍体all over the body
遍体鳞伤covered all over with cuts and bruises
beaten black and blue
be a mass of bruises
遍及to extend (everywhere)
all over
遍地开花blossom everywhere
spring up all over the place
to flourish on a large scale
遍布to cover the whole (area)
to be found throughout
遍游To travel everywhere.
遍走To travel everywhere.
遍身over the whole body
遍野all over the fields