Phonetic Reading of the Character '辩'

Animated Stroke Order of 辩:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 辩 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '辩'

Radical:辛     Strokes:16

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 辩:
to dispute
to debate
to argue
辩争to argue
to dispute
辩别to differentiate
to distinguish
to discriminate
辩士eloquent person
person with rhetoric skills
辩才天Saraswati (the Hindu goddess of wisdom and arts and consort of Lord Brahma)
辩才无碍very eloquent; eloquent, glib and quick-tongued in argument; silver-tongued
辩护to speak in defense of
to argue in favor of
to defend
defending counsel
辩护律师counsel; counsel for the defence; defence counsel; attorney; trial lawyer; advocate; defence
辩护权right to defence
辩护词speech of defence
辩明to explain clearly
to elucidate
辩白offer an explanation
plead innocence
try to defend oneself
辩称to argue (that)
to allege
to dispute
辩答a reply (in debate)
辩解to explain
to justify
to defend (a point of view etc)
辩认to distinguish
to examine and recognize