Phonetic Reading of the Character '辨'

Animated Stroke Order of 辨:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 辨 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '辨'

Radical:辛     Strokes:16

Pinyin & Definition:

biànto distinguish/to recognize

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 辨:
to distinguish
to recognize
辨别to differentiate
to distinguish
to discriminate
power of discrimination
辨别方向to take one's bearings; to tell one's bearings
辨别是非to differentiate between right and wrong; to distinguish right from wrong; to tell right from wrong; to discriminate between (what is) right and (what is) wrong
辨别训练discrimination training
辨明to clarify
to distinguish
to elucidate
辨析differentiate and analyze
辨正identify and correct; distinguish right from wrong
辨白to distinguish clearly; to identify clearly account for
辨认to recognize
to identify
辨证施治diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition
辨证论治holistic diagnosis and treatment (in traditional Chinese medicine)
to identify
to recognize
辨难To explain the difficulties.