Phonetic Reading of the Character '踏'

Animated Stroke Order of 踏:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 踏 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '踏'

Radical:足     Strokes:15

Pinyin & Definition:

to tread/to stamp/to step on/to press a pedal/to investigate on the spot

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 踏:
to tread
to stamp
to step on
踏上set foot on
踏伞stepping on an umbrella
踏勘an on-site survey
to explore
踏春to go for a hike in spring
踏月to go for a walk in the moonlight
踏月吟诗to chant poems walking in the moonlight
踏板a pedal (in a car, on a piano etc)
踏查to investigate on the spot
踏歌to sing and dance
general term for a round dance
to step (on the spot)
to mark time
踏步不前to be at a standstill
to mark time
踏点A step on the site.
踏看to investigate on the spot
踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫to travel far and wide looking for sth, only to find it easily
踏脚凳foot stool; hassock
踏脚板footboard; foot board; running board; step; wood clapper