Phonetic Reading of the Character '趁'

Animated Stroke Order of 趁:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 趁 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '趁'

Radical:走     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

chènto avail oneself of/to take advantage of

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 趁:
to avail oneself of
to take advantage of
趁乱逃脱to run away in the confusion
to take advantage of the confusion to escape
趁人之危take advantage of somebody when he is in a helpless situation
趁便when it is convenient; at one's convenience
趁势take advantage of a favourable situation; take advantage of another's perilous state
趁墒sow while there is sufficient moisture in the soil
趁心see 稱心|称心
趁早as soon as possible
at the first opportunity
the sooner the better
趁机seize an opportunity
take advantage of situation
趁火打劫to loot a burning house
to profit from sb's misfortune (idiom)
趁热打铁seize the right moment to do something
趁着under the cover of
趁着夜色by starlight; by moonlight
趁空use spare time
趁钱have pots of money