Phonetic Reading of the Character '贯'

Animated Stroke Order of 贯:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 贯 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '贯'

Radical:贝     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

guànto pierce through/to string together/string of 1000 cash

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 贯:
to pierce through
to pass through
to be stringed together
贯串to pierce through
to string together
贯众rhizome of cyrtomium; rhizome of cyrtomium; rhizoma polystichi; thizoma aspidii
贯口The skill of reciting or singing a piece of a song or speech in one breath in the performance of folk arts.
贯彻to implement
to put into practice
to carry out
贯时性研究 panel study
贯气beneficial influence, esp. from one's ancestral graves 墳山|坟山 in fengshui 風水|风水
to confer beneficial influence
贯注to concentrate
贯珠string of pearls
贯穿to run through
a connecting thread from beginning to end
to link
贯穿术[Medicine] transfixion
贯穿辐射penetrating radiation
贯通to link up
to thread together