Phonetic Reading of the Character '讲'

Animated Stroke Order of 讲:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 讲 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '讲'

Radical:讠     Strokes:6

Pinyin & Definition:

jiǎngto speak/to explain/a speech/a lecture

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 讲:
to speak
to explain
to negotiate
讲不通it does not make sense
讲义teaching materials
讲义气be loyal to friends; remain faithful to friends
讲习lecture and study
讲习会discussion forum
讲习所institute for training
讲习班instructional workshop
讲价to bargain (over price)
to haggle
讲到to talk about sth
讲古To tell old legends or stories.
讲台platform; dais; stub; stage; teacher's desk; desk; stand; rostrum; speaker's platform
讲史historical tales
讲和peace talks
讲坛a platform (to speak)
讲堂lecture hall
讲学to lecture (on branch of learning)
讲师团teaching corps; lecture team