Phonetic Reading of the Character '蒸'

Animated Stroke Order of 蒸:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 蒸 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '蒸'

Radical:艹     Strokes:13

Pinyin & Definition:

zhēngto steam

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 蒸:
to evaporate
(of cooking) to steam
torch made from hemp stalks or bamboo (old)
蒸发to evaporate
蒸发器an evaporator
蒸发塔an evaporating column
蒸发损失evaporation loss; evaporation losses
蒸发热latent heat of evaporation
蒸发皿evaporating dish; boat; evaporation pan
蒸发空调evaporative air conditioner
evaporative cooler
蒸发计evaporimeter; atmometer; evaporograph cell; atmidoscope; evaporometer; atmidometer; evaporation meter; evaporimeter
蒸发量the amount of evaporation
蒸呢decating; decatizing
蒸散[Meteorology] evapotranspiration
蒸散作用[Botany] transpiration
蒸散量 evapotranspiration (the loss of water from a land area through evaporation from the soil and through plant transpiration)
蒸气压vapor tension; vapour tension; vapor pressure; vapour pressure
蒸气浴vapor bath
蒸气重整steam reforming (chemistry)