Phonetic Reading of the Character '芦'

Animated Stroke Order of 芦:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 芦 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '芦'

Radical:艹     Strokes:7

Pinyin & Definition:

rush/reed/Phragmites communis

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 芦:
Phragmites communis
芦丁rutin; rutoside
芦山Lushan county in Ya'an 雅安
芦山县Lushan county in Ya'an 雅安
芦席reed mat
芦柴reed stems
芦根reed root; Rhizoma Phragmitis; Reed Rhizome
芦沟桥Lugou bridge or Marco Polo bridge, the scene of "incident" sparking WW2 between Japan and China
芦沟桥事变the Marco Polo bridge incident of 7th July 1937 that sparked WW2 between Japan and China
芦洲Luchou city in Taipei county 臺北縣|台北县
芦洲市Luchou city in Taipei county 臺北縣|台北县
芦淞区Lusong district of Zhuzhou city 株洲市, Hunan
芦溪Luxi county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Jiangxi
芦溪县Luxi county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Jiangxi
芦田sandy fields where reeds grow
芦竹Luzhu or Luchu township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县
芦竹乡Luzhu or Luchu township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县
芦笙reed-pipe wind instrument