Phonetic Reading of the Character '舒'

Animated Stroke Order of 舒:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 舒 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '舒'

Radical:舌     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

shūto relax/surname Shu

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 舒:
surname Shu
舒伯特schubert; Franz Schubert
舒兰Shulan county level city in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province
舒兰市Shulan county level city in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province
舒卷roll back and forth
舒喘灵albuterol, kind of chemical used in treating asthma
at ease
舒城Shucheng county in Lu'an 六安
舒城县Shucheng county in Lu'an 六安
舒展to roll out
to extend
to smooth out
舒张to relax (of muscle)
舒张压diastolic blood pressure
舒张期phase of relaxation
舒张血压[Medicine] diastolic pressure
舒快comfortable; refreshed
舒怀To enjoy
舒散limber up
舒曼Schumann (name)
Robert Schumann (1810-1856), romantic composer