Phonetic Reading of the Character '统'

Animated Stroke Order of 统:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 统 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '统'

Radical:纟     Strokes:9

Pinyin & Definition:

tǒngto gather/to unite/to unify/whole

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 统:
to gather
to unite
to unify
统一to unify
to unite
to integrate
统一价格flat rate; uniform price; flat yield; flat price; price on a uniform basis
single entity
统一公债consols; consolidated annuities; rentes; consolidated stock; consolidated bond
统一口径lit. one-track path; fig. to adopt a unified approach to discussing an issue
to sing from the same hymn-sheet
统一基金consolidated fund
统一思想with the same idea in mind
with a common purpose
统一战线united front
统一战线工作部United front work department of CPC central committee, UFWD
统一招生national unified entrance exam
统一新罗unified Silla (658-935), Korean kingdom
统一组织organization of unity
统一行动seek unity of action
统一规划integrated program
统一货币unification of the currency; single currency
统一资源unified resource