Phonetic Reading of the Character '纪'

Animated Stroke Order of 纪:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 纪 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '纪'

Radical:纟     Strokes:6

Pinyin & Definition:

discipline/age/era/period/order/record/surname Ji

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 纪:
surname Ji
纪事record event
纪事本末体history presented in separate accounts of important events
纪传体history genre based on biography, such as Sima Qian's Record of the Historian
纪元beginning of an era
纪元前before the common era (BC)
纪委discipline inspection commission
纪实actual record of events
eye witness account
纪实文学documentary writing
纪年calendar era
纪录保持者record holder; record-holder
纪录像片 a documentary film
纪录创造者record setter
record holder
documentary (film or TV program)
纪录片儿erhua variant of 紀錄片|纪录片, documentary (film)
纪律严明to observe strict discipline; to be highly disciplined; to be strict in discipline
纪律制裁disciplinary sanctions
纪律处分disciplinary punishment; disciplinary treatment