Phonetic Reading of the Character '索'

Animated Stroke Order of 索:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 索 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '索'

Radical:糸     Strokes:10

Pinyin & Definition:

suǒsurname Suo
suǒto search/to demand/to ask/to exact/large rope/isolated

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 索:
surname Suo
abbr. for 索馬里|索马里
索价to ask a price
to charge
asking price
索偿claim for reimbursement
索具rigging; tackle; tackling
索县Sog county, Tibetan: Sog rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区
索取to ask
to demand
索命to demand sb's life
索国Solomon Islands
索多玛与哈摩辣Sodom and Gomorrah
索契Sochi (city on the Black Sea in Russia)
索寞depressed; down-hearted; dejected; dispirited; lonely; desolate
索尔Thor (Norse god of thunder)
索尔仁尼琴Alexandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian writer, prominent Soviet dissident, author of the Gulag Archipelago
索尔兹伯里salisbury; Salusbury
索尔兹伯里平原Salisbury plain
Salisbury stone circle