Phonetic Reading of the Character '祛'

Animated Stroke Order of 祛:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 祛 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '祛'

Radical:礻     Strokes:9

Pinyin & Definition:

to exorcise/to dispel/to drive out (evil spirits)

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 祛:
sacrifice to drive away calamity
to dispel
to drive away
祛寒to dispel cold (in traditional Chinese medicine)
祛暑drive away summer heat
祛淤variant of 祛瘀
祛疑to dispel doubts
祛痰to dispel phlegm (general term of traditional Chinese medicine)
祛痰剂an expectorant
祛痰药medicine to dispel phlegm (in traditional Chinese medicine)
祛瘀to dispel blood stasis (in traditional Chinese medicine)
祛瘀活血remove blood stasis and promote blood circulation
祛祛healthy and strong; stout
祛邪to exorcise
to drive away evil spirits
祛邪除灾to drive away demons to prevent calamity (idiom)
祛除to dispel
to clear
祛风to relieve (cold, rheumatic pain etc)
lit. to dispel pathogenic wind (refers to traditional Chinese medicine)
祛风湿药medicine for rheumatism