Phonetic Reading of the Character '矫'

Animated Stroke Order of 矫:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 矫 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '矫'

Radical:矢     Strokes:11

Pinyin & Definition:

jiǎoto correct/to rectify/to redress/strong/brave/to pretend/to feign/affectation

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 矫:
surname Jiao
矫健strong and healthy
矫味剂corrective agent
flavoring agent
矫命Make a fake order acting as a superior.
矫形orthopedic (e.g. surgery)
矫形医生orthopedic doctor
矫形外科orthopedic surgery
矫形术orthopaedics; orthopedics; orthopedy; orthopaedy; orthopraxia
矫形牙套orthodontic brace
deliberately unconventional
to conceal the whole story
矫捷vigorous and nimble
putting on artificial airs
矫枉过正to over-correct a defect (idiom); to over-compensate
to push sth too far the other way
fig. inverse discrimination
矫枉过直to over-correct a defect (idiom); to over-compensate
to push sth too far the other way
fig. inverse discrimination
矫正to correct
to rectify (e.g. a physical defect such as hearing or vision)
to cure
矫正术diorthosis; correction; redressment; orthotics
矫正法orthesis; remedy; orthosis; correction method; correction procedure; corrective method
矫正疗法[Medicine] corrective therapy
矫正透镜correcting lens
矫治to correct (e.g. sight or hearing)
to rectify
to cure