shuì | to sleep |
睡 | to sleep |
睡乡 | the Land of Nod; slumberland; land of Nod |
睡午觉 | to have a nap |
睡垫 | a sleeping pad |
睡姿 | The gesture of sleeping |
睡容 | The sleepy or drowsy appearance. |
睡帽 | nightcap; night cap; nite cap |
睡态 | The gesture of sleeping. |
睡意 | sleepiness |
睡懒觉 | to sleep in |
睡房 | bedroom |
睡梦 | sleep; slumber |
睡椅 | couch |
睡相 | posture in sleep |
睡眠 | sleeping slumber |
睡眠不足 | lack of sleep sleep deficit |
睡眠剥夺 | [Medicine] sleep deprivation |
睡眠失调 | sleep disorder |
睡眠学 | hypnosophy; hypnosophist |
睡眠疗法 | sleep therapy; nacotherapy |