Phonetic Reading of the Character '由'

Animated Stroke Order of 由:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 由 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '由'

Radical:田     Strokes:5

Pinyin & Definition:

yóuto follow/from/it is of/due to/to/to leave it (to sb)/by (introduces passive verb)

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 由:
to follow
it is
由一斑窥全豹to learn all from one
由不得be beyond the control of; cannot help
由于due to
as a result of
thanks to
由天而降to come from nowhere
由径to follow a narrow path
由得To allow.
由来已久it has been so for quite some time
from this
由此及彼from one to the other
由此可见from this, it can be seen that...
由此看来by this token
由浅入深go from the easy to the difficult and complicated
由浅入深,由易到难to go from the easy to the difficult and complicated
由着let (one) have his way
as (one) pleases
at (one's) will
由简及繁from the simple to the complex
由简而繁to go from the simple to the complex
由表及里from the outside to the inside