Phonetic Reading of the Character '甘'

Animated Stroke Order of 甘:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 甘 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '甘'

Radical:甘     Strokes:5

Pinyin & Definition:

gānsweet/willing/abbr. for Gansu 甘肅|甘肃 province/surname Gan

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 甘:
surname Gan
abbr. for Gansu Province 甘肅省|甘肃省
甘丹寺Ganden monastery, Tibetan: dGa' ldan rNam rgyal gling, Dagzê county 達孜縣|达孜县
甘为To be willing to be.
甘之如饴lit. as sweet as syrup (idiom, from Book of Songs); to endure hardship gladly
a glutton for punishment
甘于to be willing to
to be ready to
to be content with
甘井子区Ganjingzi district of Dalian 大連市|大连市
甘休be willing to give up
甘南Gannan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔
甘南县Gannan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔
甘南州Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture
abbr. for 甘南藏族自治州
甘南藏族自治州Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Gansu
sweet taste
甘地(Mahatma) Gandhi
甘孜Garze or Kandze, capital of Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州
甘孜县Garzê county (Tibetan: dkar mdzes rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州
甘孜州Garze or Kandze, Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: dkar mdzes bod rigs rang skyong khul), formerly in Kham province of Tibet, present Sichuan
甘孜藏族自治州Garze or Kandze, Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: dkar mdzes bod rigs rang skyong khul), formerly in Kham province of Tibet, present Sichuan
甘守清贫glory in honest poverty