Phonetic Reading of the Character '点'

Animated Stroke Order of 点:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 点 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '点'

Radical:灬     Strokes:9

Pinyin & Definition:

diǎnpoint/dot/speck/drop/decimal point/point of a scale/point in a theory or argument/downwards-right convex character stroke/a little (usually 一點|一点)/a jot/beat (of percussion instrument)/to draw a dot/to touch slightly/to drip/classifier for items/classifie

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 点:
drop (of liquid)
点交to hand over one by one
点亮to illuminate
to turn on the lights
to light (a blaze)
点估计point estimation
点儿erhua variant of 點|点, point
点兵to inspect troops
to review
点军Dianjun district of Yichang city 宜昌市
点军区Dianjun district of Yichang city 宜昌市
点出point out
点击to hit
to press
to strike (on the keyboard)
点击一个链接to click on a link (on webpage)
点击付费广告pay-per-click advertising
点击数number of clicks
number of hits (on a website)
点击率click through rate (CTR) (Internet)
点到即止to touch on sth and leave it there
to take care not to overdo sth
点化magic transformation performed by Daoist immortal
fig. to reveal
to enlighten
点卯morning roll call
点厾to touch up a painting
点发to fire in bursts
shooting intermittently
点号punctuation mark