Phonetic Reading of the Character '滚'

Animated Stroke Order of 滚:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 滚 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '滚'

Radical:氵     Strokes:13

Pinyin & Definition:

gǔnto boil/to roll

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 滚:
to boil
to roll
get lost (imperative)
滚刀hob; hobbing cutter; rotary knife; revolving knife; knurling tool; roller cutter
滚刀肉annoying person
pain in the neck
滚动to roll
lap (of a race)
to roll over (e.g. investment)
滚动摩擦friction of rolling; rolling friction; rooling friction
滚动条scrollbar (comp.)
滚动条云roll cloud
滚动条积云[Meteorology] roll-cumulus
滚动轴承rolling contact bearing; rolling bearing; antifriction bearing
滚压机roller press; wheeling machine; rolling machine; roller machine
滚圆as round as a ball
滚圈race ring
滚地球[Sports] (of baseball) a ground ball; a grounder
滚奏drum roll
滚子轴承roller bearing
滚子链roller chain; roll chain; bush chain
滚存盈余accumulated surplus
滚存资金defered assets