Phonetic Reading of the Character '游'

Animated Stroke Order of 游:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 游 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '游'

Radical:氵     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

yóuto walk/to tour/to roam/to travel/to swim/surname You
yóuto walk/to tour/to roam/to travel/surname You

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 游:
surname You
游丝hairspring; hair wire; hair spring; balance hairspring
游乐to amuse oneself
游乐园theme park
游乐车recreational vehicle; recvee; rec-v
游人a tourist
游人如织crowded with visitors
packed with tourists
游仙Youxian district of Mianyang city 綿陽市|绵阳市
游仙区Youxian district of Mianyang city 綿陽市|绵阳市
游侠骑士a knight-errant
游侣traveling companion
游兴interest in going on an excursion; pleasure
游击guerrilla warfare
游击区a guerrilla area
游击战guerrilla warfare
游击手short stop; shortstop
游击队guerrilla band