Phonetic Reading of the Character '淡'

Animated Stroke Order of 淡:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 淡 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '淡'

Radical:氵     Strokes:11

Pinyin & Definition:

dàninsipid/diluted/weak/light in color/tasteless/fresh/indifferent/nitrogen

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 淡:
淡入fade in; fade; fade-in; sneak in; fading; feed-in
淡出fade out; fade; sneak out; fadeout
淡化to water down
to play down
to trivialize
淡味烟mild strength tobacco
淡啤酒kvass; near beer; small beer; near bear; small bear
淡墨light ink
淡妆light make-up; be lightly made up
淡妆浓抹lightly or heavily made up
淡季off season
slow business season
(see also 旺季)
淡市slack market
淡忘to be forgotten
to fade from memory
淡月slack month
淡水Tanshui town in Taipei county 臺北縣|台北县
淡水养殖fresh water aquiculture
淡水养鱼fresh water pisciculture; fresh water fish-culture
淡水湖fresh water lake