Phonetic Reading of the Character '洗'

Animated Stroke Order of 洗:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 洗 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '洗'

Radical:氵     Strokes:9

Pinyin & Definition:

to wash/to bathe

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 洗:
to wash
to bathe
to develop (photo)
洗三give a baby a bath on the third day after its birth
洗不掉can't be washed off; can't wash out
洗冤lit. to wash out a grievance
fig. to right a wrong
to redress an injustice
洗冤集录Record of Washed Grievances (1247) by Song Ci 宋慈, said to be the world's first legal forensic text
洗净to wash clean
洗剂lotion; lotio
洗剪吹shampoo, haircut and blow-dry
洗劫to loot
to rob
to ransack
洗印develop; developing and printing
洗印机film processor
洗发to have a shampoo
洗发并烫发to get a shampoo and a wave
洗发水liquid shampoo
洗发液liquid shampoo