Phonetic Reading of the Character '毕'

Animated Stroke Order of 毕:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 毕 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '毕'

Radical:比     Strokes:6

Pinyin & Definition:

the whole of/to finish/to complete/complete/full/finished/surname Bi

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 毕:
surname Bi
to graduate
to finish school
毕业典礼graduation ceremony
commencement ceremony
commencement exercises
毕业分配job assignment on graduation
毕业实习graduation field work; Graduation Practice
毕业文凭parchment; diploma
毕业班terminal class; graduating class; senior class
毕业生graduate (of a school)
毕业的graduated; school-leaving
毕业纪念册a class book
毕业论文project; thesis; diploma work; Graduation Thesis
毕业设计diploma project; Graduation Design; graduation project
毕其功于一役accomplish the whole task at one stroke
毕兹QNB (quinuclidinyl benzilate)
毕剥The sound of cracking in fire.
毕升Bi Sheng (inventor of movable type)
毕宿五Aldebaran or Alpha Tauri