Phonetic Reading of the Character '梁'

Animated Stroke Order of 梁:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 梁 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '梁'

Radical:木     Strokes:11

Pinyin & Definition:

liángname of Kingdoms and Dynasties at different periods/surname Liang
liángbeam of roof/bridge
liángbeam of roof

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 梁:
name of Kingdoms and Dynasties at different periods
surname Liang
梁上君子lit. the gentleman on the roof beam
fig. a thief
梁书History of Liang of the Southern dynasties, eighth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled by Yao Silian 姚思廉 in 636 during Tang dynasty, 56 scrolls
梁启超Liang Qichao (1873-1929), influential journalist and a leader of the failed reform movement of 1898
梁唐晋汉周书another name for History of the Five Dynasties between Tang and Song 舊五代史|旧五代史
梁园Liangyuan district of Shangqiu city 商丘市
梁园区Liangyuan district of Shangqiu city 商丘市
梁子湖Liangzihu district of Ezhou city 鄂州市
梁子湖区Liangzihu district of Ezhou city 鄂州市
梁山Liangshan city and county in Ji'ning 濟寧|济宁, Shandong
梁山伯与祝英台Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, pair of lovers in folk legend
梁山县Liangshan county in Ji'ning 濟寧|济宁, Shandong
梁山市Liangshan city in Shandong
梁平Liangping county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
梁平县Liangping county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
梁托bolster; corbel; corbel piece; beam hangers
梁朝Liang Dynasty (502-557)
梁架roof beam
梁柱beam column; beamcolumn