Phonetic Reading of the Character '撞'

Animated Stroke Order of 撞:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 撞 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '撞'

Radical:扌     Strokes:15

Pinyin & Definition:

zhuàngto hit/to strike/to meet by accident/to run into/to bump against/to bump into

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 撞:
to hit
to strike
to meet by accident
撞倒run down; RAM; knock over; smash down; knock down; run deep; to knock down
撞入to thrust into; to burst into
撞击to strike
to hit
to ram
撞击声ker-; whomp; clash; crash
撞击式印表机impact printer
撞击式打印机impact printer
撞墙konck one' s head against a brick wall
撞大运[Dialect] to try one's luck
撞死to knock down and kill sb with a car
撞毁to smash
撞烂to destroy by smashing
smashed up
撞球a regional name for billiards
撞见to meet by accident
撞车crash (cars)
撞针firing pin