Phonetic Reading of the Character '携'

Animated Stroke Order of 携:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 携 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '携'

Radical:扌     Strokes:13

Pinyin & Definition:

xiéto carry/to take along/to bring along/to hold (hands)

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 携:
to carry
to take along
to bring along
携家带口to take all one's family along (idiom); encumbered by a family
tied down by family obligations
携家带眷to take all one's family along (idiom); encumbered by a family
tied down by family obligations
携带to carry (on one's person)
to support (old)
Taiwan pr. xi1 dai4
携手hand in hand
to join hands
to collaborate
携手并肩hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder
携款to take funds (esp. illegally or corruptly obtained)
携眷accompanied by one's dependents
encumbered by wife and children