Phonetic Reading of the Character '搭'

Animated Stroke Order of 搭:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 搭 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '搭'

Radical:扌     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

to put up/to build (scaffolding)/to hang (clothes on a pole)/to connect/to join/to arrange in pairs/to match/to add/to throw in (resources)/to take (boat, train)

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 搭:
to put up
to build (scaffolding)
to hang (clothes on a pole)
搭乘to embark
搭伙to join up with sb
to become partner
to take meals regularly in cafeteria
搭伴travel with another
accompany another
搭便at one's convenience
in passing
搭便车to hitch a ride
搭便车旅行hitch-hike; travel by taking a lift
搭卖tied sale; tie-in-sale
搭卖法tie-in sale
搭咕to connect
to discuss
搭售conditional sale; tie-in sale
搭嘴to answer
搭坐to travel by
to ride on
搭客take on passengers; passenger
搭帮to travel together
thanks to
搭建to build (esp. with simple materials)
to knock together (a temporary shed)
to rig up
搭手give a hand