Phonetic Reading of the Character '搔'

Animated Stroke Order of 搔:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 搔 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '搔'

Radical:扌     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

sāodisturb/to scratch

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 搔:
to scratch
old variant of 騷|骚
搔到痒处scratch where it itches; scratch where it itches; hit the nail on the head
搔头scratch one's head
搔扰to annoy; to harass; to cause disturbances
搔痒to scratch (an itch)
to tickle
搔首scratch one's head
搔首弄姿stroke one's hair
搔首踟蹰scratch one's head in hesitation; hesitate