Phonetic Reading of the Character '措'

Animated Stroke Order of 措:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 措 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '措'

Radical:扌     Strokes:11

Pinyin & Definition:

cuòto handle/to manage/to put in order/to arrange/to administer/to execute/to take action on/to plan

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 措:
to handle
to manage
to put in order
step (to some end)
措办to plan
to administer
措勤Coqen county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Mtsho chen rdzong
措勤县Coqen county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Mtsho chen rdzong
措大worthless scholar
useless wretch
措意to pay attention to
措手to deal with
to manage
to proceed
措手不及no time to deal with it (idiom); caught unprepared
措置to handle
to arrange
措置失当to be improperly managed
措置得当handle properly
措置裕如to handle easily (idiom); effortless
措美Comai county, Tibetan: Mtsho smad rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区
措美县Comai county, Tibetan: Mtsho smad rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区
way of expressing something
turn of phrase
措词得当felicitously phrased; appropriately worded
措词贴切aptly worded; well-put
way of expressing something
turn of phrase