Phonetic Reading of the Character '换'

Animated Stroke Order of 换:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 换 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '换'

Radical:扌     Strokes:10

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 换:
to change
to exchange
换上change; change into
换个儿to change places
to swap places
换乘to change train (plane, bus etc)
transfer between modes of transport
换亲take each other's daughter as daughters-in-law
换人substitution; substitution of players; replacing
换人暂停time-out for substitution
换代change of dynasties
to pass on to the next generation
new product (in advertising)
换休change the day off
换位transposition; transposal; conversion; commutant; rearrangement; replacement; disseat; metathesize
换俘[Military] exchange of prisoners
换俘协定agreement for exchange of prisoners; cartel
换出swap out; swap-out
换单bill of exchange (international trade)
换发球to change service
换取give sth and get sth in return
换句话说in other words
换向commutation (electricity)
换向器commutator; reversing apparatus; reverser; polereverser; diverter; gate apparatus; guide apparatus