Phonetic Reading of the Character '拖'

Animated Stroke Order of 拖:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 拖 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '拖'

Radical:扌     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

tuōdragging (brush stroke in painting)/to drag along

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 拖:
to drag
to pull
to trail
拖三拉四put off one's work with all sorts of excuses
拖三落四Used to describe manner of being dilatory.
拖下水lit. to pull sb into the water
to involve sb in a messy business
to get sb into trouble
拖人下水lit. to pull sb into the water
fig. to involve sb in a messy business
to get sb into trouble
拖住to hold up
to hinder
to stall
拖债to default on a debt
拖儿带女supporting a wife and children
dragged down by having a family to feed
拖动to drag (mouse operation) (computing)
拖动力motive force
拖吊车tow truck
拖后腿to impede
to obstruct
to hold back
拖地式女礼服an evening gown
拖地长裙a full-length skirt
拖垮drag down
拖堂to drag out a lesson
to insist on extending class after the bell
拖宕to delay
to postpone
拖家带口dragged down by having a family to feed
拖家带眷to have family burden
拖尾巴to obstruct
to be a drag on sb
to delay finishing off a job