Phonetic Reading of the Character '拐'

Animated Stroke Order of 拐:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 拐 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '拐'

Radical:扌     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

guǎikidnap/to turn

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 拐:
to turn
to kidnap (esp. through trickery)
to shanghai
拐切线[Mathematics] inflectional tangent
拐卖human trafficking
to abduct and sell
to kidnap and sell
拐卖人口to kidnap and sell people
拐子kidnapper; kidnaper; napperkids
拐带kidnap; abduct
拐度[Mathematics] flexure; flexion
拐弯to go round a curve
to turn a corner
fig. a new direction
拐弯儿erhua variant of 拐彎|拐弯, to go round a curve
to turn a corner
fig. a new direction
拐弯抹角lit. (of road) winding and turning (idiom); to speak in a roundabout way
to equivocate
to beat about the bush
walking stick
拐棍walking stick
拐棒bent stick
拐法线[Mathematics] inflectional normal
拐点turning point
breaking point
inflexion point (math., a point of a curve at which the curvature changes sign)
拐角to turn a corner
拐角扶杆Corner sofa suite