Phonetic Reading of the Character '抱'

Animated Stroke Order of 抱:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 抱 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '抱'

Radical:扌     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

bàoto hold/to carry (in one's arms)/to hug or embrace/surround/cherish

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 抱:
to hold
to carry (in one's arms)
to hug or embrace
抱不平be outraged by an injustice
抱佛脚lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned incense) (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble
panic measures in place of timely preparation
抱养adopt (a child)
抱厦veranda in front of a house; lean-to at the back of a house
抱团儿gang up; hang together
抱头痛哭to weep disconsolately
to cry on each other's shoulder
抱头鼠窜to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (idiom); to flee ignominiously
抱头鼠蹿to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (idiom); to flee ignominiously
also written 抱頭鼠竄|抱头鼠窜
抱委屈To complain about being the victim of some kind of injustice.
抱子甘蓝brussels sprout
抱孩子to hold the baby in one's arms
抱定to hold on firmly
to cling (to a belief)
抱屈feel wronged
抱怨to complain
to grumble
抱恨have a gnawing regret
抱恨终天feel sorry for life
抱恨终生To regret for the rest of one's life.
抱愧feel ashamed