Phonetic Reading of the Character '抑'

Animated Stroke Order of 抑:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 抑 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '抑'

Radical:扌     Strokes:7

Pinyin & Definition:

to restrain/to restrict/to keep down/or

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 抑:
to restrain
to restrict
to keep down
抑且also; moreover; furthermore
抑制to inhibit
to keep down
to suppress
抑制器suppresser; rejector; suppressor; eliminator; inhibitor; killer
抑制因素inhibited factor; withholder; inhibitive factor
抑制排卵Inhibition of ovulation
抑制物stayer; inhibitor; suppressor
抑制的low-key; inhibitory; restraining; prohibitive; suppressive; repressive; inhibitive; kolytic; katastaltic; mortifying; suppressant; sppressed; catastaltic; reticent
抑制神经nerve of arrest; inhibitory nerve
抑制药[Medicine] suppressant
抑制血管收缩素转化脢 angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
抑制酶inhibiting enzyme
抑塞to give no chance to
抑强扶弱curb the violent and assist the weak; restrain the powerful and help the weak
could it be that...?
抑扬modulation (rising and falling pitch)
a cadence