huāng | to get panicky/to lose one's head |
慌 | to get panicky to lose one's head |
慌不择路 | try in any path one could without heeding which one chose |
慌乱 | frenetic hurried |
慌作一团 | to be struck all of a heap; to be thrown into utter confusion |
慌促 | Urgent |
慌张 | confused flustered |
慌张步态 | festinating gait; festination; propulsion |
慌得 | hurriedly in a frenzy |
慌忙 | in a great rush in a flurry |
慌慌张张 | helter-skelter |
慌手慌脚 | in a rush; in a flurry |
慌神儿 | be scared out of one's wits |
慌里慌张 | in a hurried and confused manner; all in a fluster; lose one's head; higgledy-piggledy; lose one's head |