Phonetic Reading of the Character '惯'

Animated Stroke Order of 惯:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 惯 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '惯'

Radical:忄     Strokes:11

Pinyin & Definition:

guànaccustomed to/used to

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 惯:
accustomed to
used to
惯于wont; given to; become used to; used to
惯伎A method used frequently.
usual practice
惯例法code of practice; conventional law
惯例集团managerial body
惯偷hardened thief; a habitual thief
惯养to spoil
to indulge sb (usu. a child)
惯匪hardened bandit; professional brigand
惯坏to spoil (a child)
惯常的habitual; confirmed; orthodox; customary; ordinaire; accustomed
惯性中心center of inertia
惯性定律law of inertia
惯性平台inertial platfrom; inertial platform
惯性矩processional moment; moment of inertia; momentofinertia; geometrical moment of inertia; rotational inertia; inertia moment
惯性系inertial system
inertial frame (mechanics)
惯性运动free fall; inertial motion; inertia motion; running out; coasting motion