Phonetic Reading of the Character '快'

Animated Stroke Order of 快:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 快 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '快'

Radical:忄     Strokes:7

Pinyin & Definition:

kuàirapid/quick/speed/rate/soon/shortly/quick-witted/clever/sharp (of knives or wits)/forthright/plain-spoken/gratified/pleased/pleasant/police runner (in former times, official to arrest criminals)

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 快:
快中子fast neutrons
快乐丸 [Medicine] MDMA (3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine); ecstasy (a psychoactive drug possessing stimulant and hallucinogenic properties)
快乐原则pleasure principle; principle of pleasure
快乐的joyous; merry; hedonic; gladsome; delectable; chirrupy; good-humored; lighthearted; festival; joyful; happy; pleasurable; delighted; landmark; jolly; pleasant; sunny; gayest; gayer; carnivalesque; cheery; felicitous; good-humoured
快乐说[Philosophy] hedonics
快书clapper ballad
快人straightforward man
快人快语straight talk from a straight person
快件express mail
快信letter by express mail
快凝水泥fast-setting cement
快刀斩乱麻lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (idiom); decisive action in a complex situation
cutting the Gordian knot
快刀断乱麻lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (idiom); decisive action in a complex situation
cutting the Gordian knot
快可立Quickly, tapioca milk tea franchise
快嘴one who is quick to express his idea; a long tongue; quicktongued
快婿good son-in-law