Phonetic Reading of the Character '往'

Animated Stroke Order of 往:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 往 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '往'

Radical:彳     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

wǎngto go (in a direction)/to/towards/(of a train) bound for/past/previous

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 往:
to go (in a direction)
往上upgrade; upwards
往事past events
former happenings
往事如烟past events have vanished like smoke
往事如风the past is vanished like the wind; gone beyond recall
往前to move forwards
往古in former times
in olden days
往后from now on
in the future
time to come
往复to go and come back
to make a return trip
backwards and forwards (e.g. of piston or pump action)
往复动作reciprocating action
往复式[Mechanics] reciprocating
往复运动backwards and forwards action (e.g. of piston or pump)
reciprocating motion
往岁in former years
in olden days
往常habitually in the past
as one used to do formerly
as it used to be
往年in former years
in previous years
往往有之to have always had (idiom)
往日in former days