Phonetic Reading of the Character '弦'

Animated Stroke Order of 弦:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 弦 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '弦'

Radical:弓     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

xiánbow string/string of musical instrument/watchspring/chord (segment of curve)/hypotenuse/CL:根[gen1]

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 弦:
bow string
string of musical instrument
弦乐string music
弦乐器string instrument
弦乐器演奏者a string player
弦乐四重奏string quartet
弦乐四重奏曲[Music] a string quartet
弦乐钢琴四重奏string piano quartet
弦乐队a string orchestra
弦切角chord angle (i.e. angle a chord of a curve makes to the tangent)
弦外之响variant of 弦外之音, overtone (idiom); meaning beyond the words
implied meaning
reading between the lines
弦外之意variant of 弦外之音, overtone (idiom); meaning beyond the words
implied meaning
reading between the lines
弦外之音overtone (idiom); meaning beyond the words
implied meaning
reading between the lines
弦子three-stringed plucked instrument
弦拨[Music] a pick; a plectrum
弦数number of strings (of an instrument)
the 7th and 8th and 22nd and 23rd of the lunar month
弦月窗a narrow slit window
a lunette
弦歌song to stringed accompaniment
弦理论string theory
弦索Chords of a musical instrument.