Phonetic Reading of the Character '幕'

Animated Stroke Order of 幕:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 幕 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '幕'

Radical:巾     Strokes:13

Pinyin & Definition:

stage curtain/tent/by extension, act of a play

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 幕:
curtain or screen
canopy or tent
headquarters of a general
幕僚aids and advisors of top officials
幕友private adviser; private assistant attending to legal duties in a local yamen;
幕后behind the scenes
幕后操纵to manipulate from behind the scenes; to pull the strings or wires
幕后花絮news from behind the scenes
photo gallery with snippets of news
幕启the curtain rises
幕墙curtain wall; panel wall
幕天席地have the sky as one's tent and the earth as one's mat
幕布(theater) curtain
幕帘快门a focal shutter
幕府(orig.) tents forming the offices of a commanding officer
administration of a military government
(medieval Japan) "bakufu", administration of the shogun
幕燕釜鱼in dangerous spot
幕落the curtain falls
幕间interval (between acts in theater)
幕间休息act-wait; entr'acte; interact; interval
幕骨entocranium; tentorium