Phonetic Reading of the Character '岂'

Animated Stroke Order of 岂:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 岂 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '岂'

Radical:山     Strokes:6

Pinyin & Definition:

how can it be that?/(rhetorical adverb)

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 岂:
old variant of 愷|恺
岂不how couldn't...?
wouldn't it...?
岂不是Isn't it
岂但not only
岂可 on no account should.
岂敢how could one dare?
I don't deserve such praise
岂料 not to have expected.
岂有此理how can this be so? (idiom); preposterous
岂止not only
far from
more than
岂肯 on no account could.
岂能how could; can; how is it possible
岂非wouldn't it be ... ?