Phonetic Reading of the Character '导'

Animated Stroke Order of 导:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 导 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '导'

Radical:寸     Strokes:6

Pinyin & Definition:

dǎoto transmit/to lead/to guide/to conduct/to direct

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 导:
to transmit
to lead
to guide
导伞[Aeronautics] a pilot chute
导体conductor (of electricity or heat)
导入to introduce into
to channel
to lead
导入期introductory phase or period
导出to derive
to get out a conclusion
to deduce
导出值to derived a value
a value deduced by calculation
导函数derived function
derivative f' of a function f
导发To lead to.
导向to be oriented towards
导向器[Mechanics] [Electrics] a pilot; a director
导向架(of railroad transportation) a leading truck
导向轮a directive wheel; a steerable wheel
导因The cause.
导堤guide levee; jetty
导尿urinary catheterization
导尿管[Medicine] a catheter
academic advisor
导弹guided missile
cruise missile