Phonetic Reading of the Character '宠'

Animated Stroke Order of 宠:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 宠 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '宠'

Radical:宀     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

chǒngto love/to pamper/to spoil/to favor

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 宠:
to love
to pamper
to spoil
宠信to dote on and trust
宠坏to spoil (a child etc)
宠坏孩子to spoil the child
宠妾A favored concubine.
宠幸make a pet of
宠擅专房an especially favored concubine (idiom)
宠溺To spoil.
宠爱to dote on sb
宠物house pet
宠物店pet store
宠用 to favor and trust.
宠臣favored minister
宠辱不惊not be moved by honour or disgrace