Phonetic Reading of the Character '吧'

Animated Stroke Order of 吧:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 吧 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '吧'

Radical:口     Strokes:7

Pinyin & Definition:

ba(modal particle indicating polite suggestion)/...right?/...OK?

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 吧:
bar (serving drinks, or providing internet access etc)
to puff (on a pipe etc)
onomat. bang
吧台counter of a bar (pub)
吧唧squishing sound (onomatopoeia)
吧唧吧唧smacking the lips (onomatopoeia)
吧嗒smack one's lips
吧托scam girl
woman who lures men to an exorbitantly priced bar 酒吧
吧托女scam girl
woman who lures men to an exorbitantly priced bar 酒吧
吧柜Cocktail cabinet