Phonetic Reading of the Character '后'

Animated Stroke Order of 后:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 后 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '后'

Radical:口     Strokes:6

Pinyin & Definition:

hòuempress/queen/surname Hou

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 后:
surname Hou
后三角队形V formation
后世later generations
后两者the latter two
后事future events
and what happened next... (in fiction)
funeral arrangements
后事之师An example of what is coming.
后人later generation
后付payment made afterwards
later periods
later ages
后仰hypsokinesis; bending backward
后仰投篮fadeaway shot
后会无期to meet again at unspecified date
meeting postponed indefinitely
后会有期I'm sure we'll meet again some day. (idiom)
Hope to see you again.
后传minus pass
后传球back pass
后体afterbody; metasoma; hind body
后作用delayed effect; after-action; after-effect
后信号灯car rear indicator
后倾retroversion; tip back; tipback