Phonetic Reading of the Character '吊'

Animated Stroke Order of 吊:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 吊 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '吊'

Radical:口     Strokes:6

Pinyin & Definition:

diàoto suspend/to hang up/to hang a person
diàoa string of 100 cash (arch.)/to lament/to condole with

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 吊:
to suspend
to hang up
to hang a person
a condolence visit
吊兰hanging orchid (Chlorophytum comosum)
bracket plant
吊具spreader (for pallet, container etc)
吊卷to consult the archives
吊古to revisit the past
to commemorate
吊唁to offer condolences (for the deceased)
to condole
吊唁信sympathies; a letter of condolence
吊嗓子voice training (for Chinese opera)
吊坠a pendant (jewelry)
吊塔a tower crane
吊子small pot with a handle and a spout for boiling water or herbal medicine
吊孝a condolence visit
吊审to bring to trial
to bring to court
吊客a visitor offering condolences
shoulder strap
吊带衫halter top
spaghetti strap top
sun top