Phonetic Reading of the Character '叶'

Animated Stroke Order of 叶:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 叶 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '叶'

Radical:口     Strokes:5

Pinyin & Definition:

leaf/page/surname Ye

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 叶:
to be in harmony
叶伟文alias of 葉偉民|叶伟民
叶伟民Raymond YIP Wai-Man, Hong Kong film director (debut as director: 1994)
叶公好龙pretend to like something which one really fears
叶切除术lobectomy; lobectomia
叶利钦Yeltsin (name)
Boris Yeltsin (1931-2007) first post-communist president of Russia 1991-1999
叶卡捷琳堡Yekaterinburg (Russian city, also known as Ekaterinburg or Sverdlovsk)
叶卡捷琳娜Yekaterina (name)
Catherine the Great or Catherine the Second (1684-1727), Empress of Russia
叶卡特琳娜堡Ekaterinaburg or Ekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk), Russian town on the Ural mountains
叶原基phyllopodium; leaf primordium
叶县Ye county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山
叶口蝠科Phyllostomatidae (zoology)
叶圣陶Ye Shengtao (1894-1988), writer and editor, known esp. for children's books
叶城Qaghiliq nahiyisi (Kargilik county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区
叶城县Qaghiliq nahiyisi (Kargilik county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区
叶子列leaf arrangement
phyllotaxy (botany)
叶子板(Taiwan) fender (automotive)
叶子烟dried tobacco leaves