Phonetic Reading of the Character '又'

Animated Stroke Order of 又:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 又 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '又'

Radical:又     Strokes:2

Pinyin & Definition:

yòu(once) again/also/both... and.../again

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 又:
(once) again
both... and...
又一次yet again
once again
once more
又叫做also known as; otherwise known as
又名also known as
alternative name
to also be called
又吵又闹to make a lot of noise
to be disorderly
又哭又笑to cry and laugh at the same time
又快又好very fast with excellent results; efficiently
又惊又喜surprise and happy at the same time
又打又拉strike and stroke alternately; use both the carrot and the stick
又来了Here we go again
又称also known as
又红又专both socialist-minded and professionally qualified
又红又肿to be red and swollen (idiom)
又饥又渴both hungry and thirsty